Whitespace control

Yarte provides the possibility to erase the unneeded blanks when templating using the character ~ in any block. Only first white characters and last whitespaces of a block will be ignored. Characters interpreted as whitespaces will as specified in rust.

Let's say we have a struct define as follows:

fn main() {
#[template(path = "hello.html")]
struct CardTemplate<'a> {
    users: Vec<User<'a>>,

struct User<'a> {
    valid: bool,
    name: &'a str,

and we create a new CardTemplate

fn main() {
let t = CardTemplate {
    users: vec![
        User { 
            name: "Tom",
            valid: true,

Now we will use ~ in an if statement and ignore unnecessary whitespaces.

{{~# each users ~}}
    {{~# if valid ~}}
        <h1>Hello, {{ name }}</h1>
    {{~/if }}

This will output

<h1>Hello, Tom</h1> 

In the other hand if we don't ignore whitespaces:

{{~# each users ~}}
    {{# if valid }}
        <h1>Hello, {{ name }}</h1>
    {{/if }}

then this will be the output

    <h1>Hello, Tom</h1> 

Special cases

The are some especial cases where Yarte will ignore whitespaces before and after in some special cases by default. These cases are when writing comments, locals(such as let expressions), and whitespaces at the end of the file